Recommended for running Shoes, walking shoes & sneakers. ICESPIKE ice traction gear is not just for winter! Get it for control & stability on all rough and inconsistent conditions;
- water, mud and muck
- slick rocks and loose gravel
- root-bound and uneven terrain
- slimy leaf debris and mossy surfaces
9.5 mm
- allows the wearer the comfort and natural feel of foot to ground interaction
- is low profile, lightweight and unobtrusive
- eliminates the need to alter pace or gait
- prevents the muscle injury and fatigue associated with heavy strap-on spikes, coils, chains or platforms with spikes
- eliminates pressure on the top of the foot or bulk underneath the shoe
- withstand extreme abuse and provide exceptional surface penetration
- firmly engage the sole of the shoe which prevents loosening
- promote self-cleaning of ice, snow and debris
- maintain integrity of grip for up to 500 miles