The Gear Aid Field Repair Kit is a small, portable, lightweight solution to fixing rips and tears on most camping and outdoor gear. The Tenacious Tape pads can be applied to air mattresses, tents, hiking shoes & boots, jackets, and tarps. Use the Seam Grip to seal cuts, holes, and other damage to a variety of fabrics and leather materials. Compact and easy to store for grab and go.
**Lightweight kit contains 1/4 oz tube of Seam Grip, two 3" Tenacious Tape patches, an application brush, and an Expert Field Repair Guide.
- Repairs sleeping pads, inflatable mattresses, and most outdoor gear
- Makes quick, in-field repairs
- Lightweight and compact
- Safe for use on natural and synthetic fabrics
- Contains _ oz. tube of Seam Grip urethane based seam sealer and repair adhesive, two Tenacious repair patches, application brush, and Expert Field Repair Guide